3 Apr 2022

A common pattern is for a component to return a list of children. In the below example when Column component is rendering the HTML will be invalid as a div is coming in the middle of the table. Whenever we are using Fragments, we can avoid that.

Take this example React snippet:

class Table extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <Columns />

would need to return multiple elements in order for the rendered HTML to be valid. If a parent div was used inside the render() of , then the resulting HTML will be invalid.

class Columns extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (

results in a output of:


2 Apr 2022

Fragments declared with the explicit <React.Fragment> syntax may have keys. A use case for this is mapping a collection to an array of fragments — for example, to create a description list:

function Glossary(props) {
  return (
      {props.items.map(item => (
        // Without the `key`, React will fire a key warning
        <React.Fragment key={item.id}>

1 Apr 2022

A common pattern in React is for a component to return multiple elements. Fragments let you group a list of children without adding extra nodes to the DOM.

render() {
  return (
      <ChildA />
      <ChildB />
      <ChildC />

Short Syntax

Here is the shorter syntax you can use for declaring fragments. It looks like empty tags:

class Columns extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (

Motivation for fragments in React.

2 Mar 2022

The %TYPE attribute lets use the datatype of a field, record, nested table, database column, or variable in your own declarations, rather than hardcoding the type names.

You can use the %TYPE attribute as a datatype specifier when declaring constants, variables, fields, and parameters. If the types that you reference change, your declarations are automatically updated.

This technique saves you from making code changes when, for example, the length of a VARCHAR2 column is increased. Note that column constraints, such as the NOT NULL and check constraint, or default values are not inherited by items declared using %TYPE.

22 Feb 2022


undefined is a property of the global object. That is, it is a variable in global scope. The initial value of undefined is the primitive value undefined.

A variable is ‘declared’, it has its own placeholder (memory is allcoated) but not having the value of itself ‘defined’ hence ‘undefined’. Until the variable has assigned a value, the ‘undefined’ fills that particular placeholder and ‘undefined’ is itself a datatype.

Not Defined

This case comes in error where js engine neither find that particular variable nor its placeholder and cannot find the variable in 1st phase of context (Memory allocation context)

JS is loosely typed language, this means that JavaScript will figure out what type of data you have and make the necessary adjustments so that you don’t have to redefine your different types of data.



20 Feb 2022

The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document’s viewport.

Syntax to create Intersection Observer API

const observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {

MDN Web Docs

20 Feb 2022

A pure function is a function which:

Given the same input, always returns the same output and the Produces have no side effects.


  • No random values
  • No current date/time
  • No global state
  • No mutation of parameters


  • Self-documenting
  • Easily testable

18 Feb 2022

In JavaScript, a primitive (primitive value, primitive data type) is data that is not an object and has no methods or properties. There are 7 primitive data types:

  • string
  • number
  • bigint
  • boolean
  • undefined
  • symbol
  • null

All primitives are immutable; that is, they cannot be altered. It is important not to confuse a primitive itself with a variable assigned a primitive value. The variable may be reassigned to a new value, but the existing value can not be changed in the ways that objects, arrays, and functions can be altered.



10 Feb 2022

  1. Shortest Program in JS: Empty file. Still, browsers make global Execution context and global space along with Window object.
  2. Global scope: Anything that is not in a function, is in the global space.
  3. Variables present in a global space can be accessed by a “window” object. (like window.a)
  4. In global scope, (this === window) object. For example refer the below,
var a = 10;

Console.log(windows.a) // 10
Console.log(a)  // 10
Console.log(this.a) // 10

2 Feb 2022

An important difference between function declarations and class declarations is that while functions can be called in code that appears before they are defined, classes must be defined before they can be constructed.

class hoisting

Classes defined using a class declaration are hoisted, which means that JavaScript has a reference to the class. However the class is not initialized by default, so any code that uses it before the line in which it is initialized is executed will throw a ReferenceError.

    const p = new Rectangle(); // ReferenceError
    class Rectangle {}

This occurs because while the class is hoisted its values are not initialized.

Function and class expression hoisting

Function expressions and class expressions are not hoisted.

