Why I am writing in the time of Reels?

Haripad, Kerala, India / Photo by Bino

Haripad, Kerala, India / Photo by Bino

Why am I writing in the time of Shorts, Reels, and TikTok? Is it worth it? Does anyone ever read this? These were the questions that came to my mind before starting this Digital Garden. So here’s why I am writing in the time of Reels.

Clearing My Monkey Mind

My mind is always racing, filled with thoughts about what I’ve recently learned, seen, my behavior, and new ideas to share. Writing during these moments helps me focus on my blog and its topics, rather than being overwhelmed by scattered thoughts.

Gaining Clarity

When thinking about a topic, I often overestimate my understanding. However, writing about it reveals gaps in my knowledge, as I struggle to express my thoughts clearly. This process helps me identify areas for improvement and ensures I understand the topic well enough to explain it simply.

Sharing My Thoughts

Sharing my ideas brings two main benefits: feedback and opportunities. Positive feedback motivates me to write more, while constructive criticism helps improve my writing. Sharing knowledge can also attract recognition and potentially life-changing opportunities, though luck isn’t guaranteed.

Documenting for the Future

Writing down my thoughts and experiences serves as a record of who I am today and what I’ve learned. Over time, this documentation will allow me to reflect on my growth and journey, seeing how far I’ve come.

So, I’m trying to learn more, write regularly, and share my thoughts in the time of Reels. Instead of focusing solely on the end goal, I’m enjoying the process. I hope this journey will make me a better person.

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