May 2024

A note to myself.

February 2024

Fixed some bugs and merged few pull requests in Lightbi.

Revamped this website to make it more beautiful.

  • I’ve recently added collections of links and notes from the web community on various topics. Last month, I removed my reading highlights from here. Now, I’m planning to write posts that include links and notes about a specific topic. These collections will evolve over time in the collections section.
  • Now a days I writing more notes than long articles, so for easy access notes link has been added in the menu.
  • Removed Codbix newsletter posts from collections.
  • After a long, updated the About page section.
  • Added image zoom in the posts.

January 2024

Last month winter has been started in Baharin. Not that much cold comparing to past years. But still enjoying the cold winds and long walks in the evening.

Other than the usual, I have done below updates in this website.

  • Added feed section to easily navigate through all posts from essays, notes, desk, and collections.
  • Removed reading higlights from this website and moved to Notion. My reading highlights included lot of topics and many of them are copied directly from orginal author. Looking for another way to incorporate the same in the collections instead of simply displaiying some highlights..
  • Some minor cosmetic changes and bug fixes.