Can we stay in the magic forever? The magic lives in the night we loved each other so much and danced beneath the Mediterranean skies. Yes, the kiss, the stars, and you—everything seemed magical to me.

Thank you for being my magic.

Life is a series of roles we play, each one precious and unique in its own way. Whether you are a son, a father, a junior engineer, a secretary, or even someone who feels like they own nothing, you have something to offer and something to enjoy. Don’t let the struggles and chaos of each role overwhelm you; one day, you might no longer have the opportunity to play that role. The saddest part is realizing its value only after it’s gone. So, cherish your time here, have fun, and make it beautiful.

Always remember, you are not the system; you are a part of it.

I don’t want to be an original,
I have learned, inspired, and stolen from everything I have seen.
I want to be a rare mix.

Welcome to the magic, to the stars, to the unknown, and to myself.