maximum size is 4000 bytes, or 32767 bytes if the MAX_STRING_SIZE
initialization parameter is set to EXTENDED
. This is useful you have to allocate more data to a variable.
As discussed earlier, there are two types of cursors: Implicit cursors and explicit cursors. In this section, we will focus on explicit cursors and their functionality.
Explicit cursor
Explicit cursors are programmer defined cursors with more control over the context area. The explicit cursor should be defined in the declaration section of the PL/SQL block.
The syntax for the an explicit cursor:
CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;
Below are the steps for defining explicit cursors.
- Declaring the cursor for initializing the memory
- Opening the cursor for allocating the memory
- Fetching the cursor for retrieving the data
- Closing the cursor to release the allocated memory
Let’s dive into the details of defining an explicit cursor.
Declare a cursor
Declaring the cursor defines the cursor with a name and select statement associated with it.
CURSOR c_stocks is
SELECT * FROM stock_master;
Fore more read here.
Open a cursor
Before fetching data from the cursor you must open it. To open a cursor you can use the following syntax:
OPEN c_stocks;
When you open a cursor, Oracle parses the query, binds variables, executes the associated SQL statement.
Oracle also determines an execution plan, associates host variables and cursor parameters with the placeholders in the SQL statement, determines the result set, and positions the cursor at the first row.
Fetch from a cursor
statement places the content of the current row into variables. Below is the syntax of the FETCH
FETCH c_stocks into p_stockrows;
You need to fetch till last row to retrieve all the rows in a result set.
Closing the Cursor
After fetching all rows, you need to close the cursor with the CLOSE statement:
CLOSE c_stocks;
Closing a cursor instructs Oracle to release allocated memory at an appropriate time.
Following is a complete example of explicit cursors.
CURSOR c_stocks is
SELECT * FROM stock_master;
p_stockrows c_stocks%ROWTYPE;
OPEN c_stocks;
FETCH c_stocks into p_stockrows;
EXIT WHEN c_stocks%notfound;
dbms_output.put_line(p_stockrows.stock_code || ' ' || p_stockrows.stock_name);
CLOSE c_stocks;
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