Read the Defaults app of Chris Coyier and found interesting.
Here is mine:
📨 Mail Client: Gmail
📮 Mail Server: Google
📝 Notes: Notion for long notes and Keep for quick ones.
✅ To-Do: Notepad and pen are working fine for me, Occasionally using Keep also.
📷 Photo Shooting: Android Camera
🎨 Design: Canva
📆 Calendar: N/A
📁 Cloud File Storage: Google Drive
📖 RSS: Currently not using anything, but planning to find one.
🙍🏻♂️ Contacts: Android
💬 Chat: WhatsApp, Discord
🔖 Bookmarks: Brave
📑 Read It Later: Pocket
📜 Word Processing: Word
📈 Spreadsheets: Excel, Google Sheets
📊 Presentations: N/A
🛒 Shopping Lists: N/A
🍴 Meal Planning: N/A
💰 Budgeting and Personal Finance: Excel, ya its working for me.
📰 News: N/A
🎵 Music: YTMusic
🎤 Podcasts: Pocket Casts
🔐 Password Management: N/A
🧑💻 Code Editor: VS Code
✈️ VPN: N/A
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