About this Digital Garden

Welcome to my Digital Garden!

Yes, you heard it right. Unlike a regular blog, this is my Digital garden. I will tell you what is a Digital Garden. Also, I want to help you to navigate through this website and explain the terms and menus here.

What is digital garden?

As you read here, a digital garden is a living collection of evolving ideas that aren’t strictly organized by publication date. They represent thoughts and notes in progress, often shared as half-formed concepts that grow and change with time. Unlike typical blogs, these notes are interconnected and published for personal reflection, rather than for a broad audience.

Why digital garden?

Hope you understood what is Digital Garden. It serves as a personal space where my ideas, notes, and thoughts can be shared without the pressure of being perfect. The beauty of this approach lies in its flexibility—short notes, essays, and links can be edited, refined, and interconnected over time. Unlike a regular blog, this method provides the freedom to grow, evolve, and learn publicly at my own pace, allowing room for imperfection and continuous learning.

Contents of this digital garden

This website is organized into multiple categories such as Home, Essays, Notes, Desk, and more. The reason for this structure is to keep content separated by type or topic. For example, some visitors may only be interested in technical posts, while others might prefer Malayalam posts. By creating specific categories, it allows users to easily navigate and focus on the content they are most interested in without everything being grouped under a single heading.

So, here are the categories of my website:

  • Home
    The main page, showcasing the latest essays, notes, and desk entries.

  • Essays
    A collection of in-depth essays and explorations about technology.

  • Notes
    Short, focused notes, including code snippets and tech highlights.

  • Desk
    Uncategorized reflections on topics like books, philosophy, travel, and life.

  • ML
    My Malayalam poems, short stories, and musings.

  • Now
    An infrequently updated log of what I’m reading, exploring, and thinking about.

  • Feed
    A reverse chronological list of all posts.

  • Tags
    A section where you can view the available tags in this website.

  • Library
    A collection of books I’ve read or started reading.

  • About
    Personal bio, photos, and contact information.


Built with a JAMstack architecture, the site uses Hugo as the static site generator and is hosted on Netlify. It’s served securely via HTTPS, with a free SSL certificate provided by Let’s Encrypt and automatically managed by Netlify for seamless delivery.

If you want to know more, please check the credits.


I’ve drawn inspiration from various websites to enhance the uniqueness of mine. This site owes its existence to numerous open-source tools and services, and I’m truly grateful to all the contributors who have generously shared their work with the community. Your efforts have made a significant impact!

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