In React Router, the Link component is used to create navigation links that allow users to navigate between different routes in a single-page application (SPA). Instead of performing a full page reload, the Link component allows React to handle navigation internally, ensuring fast transitions and preserving the app’s state.

  1. Client-Side Navigation: When clicked, Link updates the browser’s URL without reloading the entire page, enabling smooth transitions between routes.
  2. Declarative Navigation: Instead of using <a> tags, which perform a full page refresh, Link provides a declarative way to define navigation between routes in your app.
  3. Preserves State: Since the page isn’t reloaded, your app’s state (data in memory, forms, etc.) remains intact between navigations.

Basic Usage:

Here’s a simple example of how to use Link in a React Router app:

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

function Navbar() {
  return (
          <Link to="/">Home</Link>
          <Link to="/about">About</Link>
          <Link to="/contact">Contact</Link>

export default Navbar;

In this example:

  • The to attribute in Link specifies the route (or URL path) to navigate to.
  • When a user clicks on one of these links, React Router changes the route without reloading the page.

Advanced Usage:

You can also pass more advanced configurations, such as query parameters, URL fragments, or even objects in the to attribute.

    pathname: "/profile",
    search: "?id=123",  // Adds query params
    hash: "#details",   // Adds URL fragment
    state: { fromDashboard: true } // Passes state to the route

Important Points:

  1. No Full Reload: Unlike a regular <a> tag, which triggers a full page reload, Link allows for navigation within the SPA, making the app feel faster and more fluid.
  2. SEO: Even though Link doesn’t trigger a full page reload, the URL is updated in the browser, so users can bookmark or share links, and search engines can still crawl your app if properly configured with server-side rendering or static generation.
  3. Accessibility: Link behaves like a normal anchor tag in terms of accessibility (for screen readers and keyboard navigation), so it’s an accessible solution for navigating SPAs.

Example Application:

import React from "react";
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Link, Routes } from "react-router-dom";

function App() {
  return (
          <Link to="/">Home</Link> | <Link to="/about">About</Link>

          <Route path="/" element={<Home />} />
          <Route path="/about" element={<About />} />

function Home() {
  return <h2>Home Page</h2>;

function About() {
  return <h2>About Page</h2>;

export default App;


  • Link is a core part of React Router used to navigate between routes in SPAs.
  • It ensures smooth navigation without a full page reload, improving performance and user experience.
  • The to prop in Link can accept a string (for basic paths) or an object (for advanced routing options like query params or state).

This makes it a critical component for building navigation in modern React applications.

In React Router, NavLink is a specialized version of the Link component used for navigation. The main difference is that NavLink allows you to style or apply a class to the link when it matches the current route, making it useful for creating active navigation links (like highlighting the active page in a navbar).

  1. Active State: NavLink automatically applies an “active” style or class when the link’s destination matches the current URL. This is especially useful for navigation menus, where you want to visually indicate which page is currently active.
  2. Custom Styling: You can apply custom styles or classes based on whether the link is active or inactive, allowing for a more dynamic user experience.
  3. Exact Matching: You can use the end prop to ensure that NavLink matches the exact URL path and doesn’t partially match sub-paths.

Example Usage:

Here’s a simple example of how to use NavLink in a React app:

import { NavLink } from "react-router-dom";

function Navbar() {
  return (
            end  // Ensures exact matching for the home route
            style={({ isActive }) => ({
              color: isActive ? "green" : "blue"  // Active link is green, inactive is blue
            style={({ isActive }) => ({
              color: isActive ? "green" : "blue"
            className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? "active-link" : "")}  // Apply "active-link" class to active link

export default Navbar;


  • Active Styling: In the NavLink, you can dynamically change the style or class based on whether the link is active (via isActive).
  • Exact Matching (end prop): When the end prop is added, the NavLink will only be considered active if the URL exactly matches the to prop. This prevents partial matches (e.g., / also matching /about).
  1. to: The URL path to navigate to (similar to Link).
  2. style or className: These can be functions that accept the isActive flag to apply dynamic styles or classes to the link.
  3. end: Ensures exact matching for routes like /, where partial matching might otherwise occur.
  4. state, replace, reloadDocument: Additional props inherited from Link for handling navigation behavior.
  • Visual Feedback: It provides immediate visual feedback to the user about which route is currently active, improving the navigation experience.
  • Customization: You can easily style active links differently (e.g., changing colors, adding underlines) without manually managing the active state.

Example with Custom Class:

  className={({ isActive }) => (isActive ? "active-dashboard" : "inactive-dashboard")}

In this example, when the /dashboard route is active, the link will receive the active-dashboard class. Otherwise, it will receive inactive-dashboard.


  • NavLink is an enhanced version of Link that provides an easy way to manage active/inactive states of links.
  • It’s especially useful for creating navigational elements like menus, where you want to highlight or style the active route.
  • You can customize the appearance of NavLink based on whether it matches the current route, improving the user interface and navigation experience.

It’s a powerful tool for creating intuitive and visually dynamic navigation in React Router applications.

In React Router, the relative='path' option for the Link component allows you to define whether a path is relative to the current route. By default, React Router interprets paths in Link as absolute, meaning they will resolve from the root of the app. However, if you set relative="path", the navigation will be relative to the current route, enabling more dynamic routing based on where the link is located within the route structure.


<Link to="profile" relative="path">Profile</Link>

This link will resolve based on the current route.

In React Router, setting relative="route" in a Link component allows the path to be resolved based on the current route’s context rather than the root. This is particularly useful for nested routes, where the link adapts according to the parent route’s path.


<Link to="settings" relative="route">Settings</Link>

This link will navigate to the settings page relative to the current route, maintaining the proper URL structure within nested routes.